Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Shell Shock

I have returned to work, today, after my three-day holiday weekend and I am feeling quite nauseous. I have no proof, but a strong suspicion that depression has taken me by the leg and is threatening to wash over my entire body and soul. I feel tired, sad, sick and completely unmotivated.

This morning, on the news, the anchorwoman made mention of the Asian Tsunami of 2004. I missed that entire event because I was in the hospital getting the news that the doctors were going to stop Chris’ treatment and send him home for “comfort care”, which has always translated to “death” for me.

The body is an amazing organism. I truly believe that the nausea I feel is depression trying to get me to pack up and go home. I can do that if I want to and nobody would blink twice. I can go home sick. All I really want to do is crawl under my covers and cry for a few hours. I am not capable of focusing on anything else, today.

Marc and I are going out in a little while to pick up a jacket he bought on Newbury Street. I don’t want to go. I just want to cry.

Five minutes later…

I just returned from the ladies room where I spent the last five minutes in tears. I finally gave in. I wonder how many more times this is going to happen, today.

I’m going to try to feel better, but if that doesn’t happen, I am definitely going home sick.


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