Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Not My Creej

I had a strange dream about Chris last night. His friends from Vermont and I were at a folk festival. I was talking with his friend, Bec, when I looked up and saw a man who looked exactly like Chris. My heart leapt and I couldn’t stop looking at him. I felt as though my heart was going to explode out of my chest. But I knew this man wasn’t Chris. He just looked like him. And I knew that, even though he could have been Chris’ clone, ultimately, he wouldn’t be my Chris, no matter what. He’d be different, and I’d notice the difference and my life wouldn’t be the same as it was with him in it. Still, I stared and stared and tried to find even the slightest difference in his and Chris’ appearance, but I could not. He even wore the same clothes; baggy khaki shorts down to his knees, beige suede sneakers, oversized short-sleeve button-down plaid shirt, same glasses…same everything. But not my Chris. This man didn’t know me at all.

I woke up feeling tired and sad.

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