Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Twice Happy in One Week

I am in a phenomenal mood, again. Granted, I did take the day off from work, which is always cause for merriment.

I woke up at 4:00am this morning to make it to a 4:45am dermatologist appointment. I went, then went to the hospital for blood work and then came home. I never went back to sleep, even though I went to bed at midnight last night. I did, however, get absolutely everything done that I have been wanting to get done for months and now I’m in the best mood.

I brought my clothes to the dry cleaner today and the most adorable yorkie ever was there. She was so sweet that I couldn’t stop scritchy-scratching her. She loved it. The owner, a very nice woman, told me she liked my ring and mentioned the rarity of seeing a diamond ring with sapphires. I told her the story of the ring and the story of my widowhood, as I always to when somebody shows interest in my ring, because in my mind, they have really shown interest in my husband.

After the dry cleaner, I went to the Salvation Army with a slew of donations. When I brought them to the men loading the truck, I asked, “Are you taking donations?” and the man said, “We sure are! We don’t take husbands, though.” I smiled and said, “Oh, that’s okay. I don’t have a husband.” I surprised myself with my answer and with my demeanor. He was a nice guy. He made me smile, while simultaneously bringing up perhaps the saddest fact in my life, yet, his good-natured beauty took precedence. I learned that it’s okay to smile and feel good, despite the tragedy in my life. I’m smiling, even as I type this.

I began crashing about an hour ago, having woken up twelve hours before that. Man, I’m tired, but I feel really good, again. I have to credit the weather, I think. I am so very excited for spring. Today was nice. I got a lot done. I continued thinking about creating my own destiny.

I’m happy.


PS - I love my brother, Starr. ;) (He told me to write nice things about him. I was thinking them anyway. Writing them is just a formality.)


  1. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Stay "up," babygirl. Stay up. I'm proud of your forward movement. It's astonishing and inspiring, I might add.

  2. Anonymous8:16 PM

    You went to the dermatologist at 4:45 in the MORNING? What doctors has hours like that? Just curious. Your epidermis is perfection, my love.
